Original 1998 Questionaire
- NAME: Miranda Susan Hitchcock Inganni
- AGE: Old enough to know better
- BIRTHDAY: January 15 (I get a holiday!)
- SIGN: Yield
- HEIGHT: 6 feet (It says so on my license)
- WEIGHT: I’m tired of waiting!
- MARITAL STATUS: Uppah, uppah class
- CHILDREN: Just my cat (no, really, I mean my cat.)
- INSTRUMENTS: In this band? None. I sing. In the privacy of my home? Whatever I can get my hands on, but that doesn’t mean I play anything well…
- FAVORITE ARTIST: Martha Graham
- FAVORITE COLOR: Anything that compliments my skin tone. (Oh, and I’m a summer.)
- FAVORITE FOOD: Hot fudge sundaes
- LIKES: Champagne, hot fudge sundaes, and my cat, but not necessarily in that order.
- DISLIKES: Blatant stupidity
- GOALS: I don’t play
- OTHER INTERESTS: In my spare time, I work with large circus cats and the elderly. And I’m a member of the Board of Directors at my nudist colony. Other than that, I’m rather boring.